Magnet Challenges
Gap I: HTS magnet
Billion-year 'gap' in Grand Canyon geological record caused by breakup of ancient supercontinent. The observed gap between the needs for HTS magnet technology of fusion companies and the available HTS magnet technology, is significantly large.
The HTS REBCO - tape configuration - presents challenges due to its slow quench propagation velocity and the requirement for high quench energy. Consequently, it necessitates the development of innovative quench protection methods.
Helping the fusion companies and supply them with HTS coils and magnet systems, are urgently needed, which will shorten the fusion company development cycle - make the fusion happen sooner.
Gap II: Long length HTS cables for magnets
HTS cables are available in limited length which may not meet the long length requirements in months or years. Each specific fusion magnet will likely have its own cable design and according magnet design.
Gap III: HTS tape in-field testing and characterization at 20 T and 20 K
Critical current Ic(77, s.f) does not represent Ic(20K, 20T), but measurement at 20 T will need significant investments in power supply and magnet infrastructure. A 20 T SCM is at $2-3 M, and high current power may be another $1M. We are inventing a novel critical current measurement system at 20 T and 20 K which is expected to lower the total investment to 1/3 of original quote.